Crafting Guide: +2 Generic Minion Wand




This guide will teach you how to craft a generic, jack of all trades minion wand to last you on your journey through Path Of Exile : Sentinel , and beyond.

Crafting in Path of Exile can be extremely complex and rather daunting for new players, the video below will outline the most basic information you’ll need before diving in to the midst of crafting specific items.

This craft can be simulated in Craft Of Exile to see the exact odds of hitting each of the steps, you can use this information alongside market prices to calculate average investment of crafting an item. Making sure you have enough currency to finish a craft is often recommended.

The Finished Item

Our finished item will have the following prefixes:

  1. +1 to level of all Spell Skill Gems
  2. +1 to level of all Minion Skill Gems
  3. Minions deal #% increased Damage

Our Suffixes are as follows:

  1. Trigger a Socketed Spell on Using a Skill, with a # second Cooldown, Spells Triggered this way have 150% more Cost
  2. Zealotry has #% increased Aura Effect
  3. Minions have (14-15)% increased Attack Speed, Minions have (14-15)% increased Cast Speed (Crafting Bench)

As you will see below, forcing the prefixes and Trigger is extremely easy if we’re willing to settle on not having it come from an unveil, the overall difference in damage is not going to be worth the cost & effort to achieve the perfect suffixes unless you have at least Tier 2-1 “Minions deal #% increased Damage “ on the Prefix, especially in the case of crafting for profit.

Image of finished product

The Base

To roll Minion Modifiers more commonly we really want a Convoking Wand Convoking Wand, there is no real room for compromise there unfortunately, as its implicit allows it to roll the modifiers we’re looking for.

Our highest Item level modifier is going to be 84, for 100-109% increased Minion damage, so it is advised to go for this in case you manage to hit the T1 modifier.

Crafting Process

Part 1 – Prefixes

This first step involves using Prime Chaotic Resonator Prime Chaotic Resonator with Corroded Fossil Corroded Fossil Jagged Fossil Jagged Fossil Shuddering Fossil Shuddering Fossil & Metallic Fossil Metallic Fossils to force the prefixes

This on average takes around 10-12 tries depending on luck to force the Gem Level modifiers, hitting a minion damage prefix is roughly 1/33, getting progressively rarer as you go up in tier.

This is quite literally all it takes to force the prefixes we would like, and after we’ve completed this step we can move on to the suffixes.

Part 2 – Suffixes

Veiled Chaos & Annuls

At this point, our item can have any variety of suffixes, and none of them really matter. If we have an open suffix to craft on, you can either bench-craft “Trigger socketed spell” and you’re done. Or we will bench craft “Prefixes Cannot Be changed” followed by a Veiled Chaos Orb Veiled Chaos Orb to add a veiled suffix this process is elaborated below. If this isn’t the case, we will use an Orb of Annulment Orb of Annulment and pray it doesn’t remove any of our preferred Prefix modifiers. Worst case we re-start the process if it fails.

If you’ve decided to drop the veiled chaos, it can be an expensive gamble. From the unveil we are really hoping for the trigger craft, and if we hit it we are basically 90% of the way there. If we unfortunately do not hit it, we can either repeat this process, or cut our losses and move on.

A major point of contention with doing this is that even upon hitting the Trigger craft, you are locked out of other suffixes as they are full.

In the best case scenario of 2 open suffixes, our item will look a little like this:

Image of part 2 wand


  1. Spam Fossils to hit your Prefixes.
  2. Anull if all suffixes are full, to make room for meta craft and veiled.
  3. Prefixes Cannot be changed -> Veiled Chaos Orb ( if you simply want +2, minion damage, and the trigger you can always craft the trigger on via bench instead of trying to unveil it, this is way more efficient if you aren’t going for the best of the best.
  4. Hope for 1/2 open suffixes and your Trigger craft.
  5. If you have 1 open/recraftable suffix, craft “Minions have (14-15)% increased Attack Speed, Minions have (14-15)% increased Cast Speed” and enjoy.

Final Notes

As much as I love making guides, it is very crucial in a game like Path of Exile that you play the game the way you enjoy playing it. This guide merely describes the most effective approach to crafting the +2 Minion Wand, and even if you decide to go about it differently, we are all just trying to have fun and there is nothing inherently wrong with that at all.

I hope you found the guide useful and I wish you all many Divine Orb Divine Orb drops!

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