Cyclone Gladiator Gear, Jewels, and Flasks



Gear Summary / TL;DR

These items strike a balance between power and cost-effectiveness.

Our recommendation:

Item Slot Item Name
Head Devoto's Devotion Devoto's Devotion
Amulet Rare Amulet
Chest Belly of the Beast Belly of the Beast or Carcass Jack Carcass Jack or Rare Astral Plate Astral Plate
Gloves Rare Spiked Gloves Spiked Gloves
Boots Rare Two-Toned Boots (Cold and Lightning Resistances) Two-Toned Boots (Cold and Lightning Resistances)
Belt Rare Stygian Vise Stygian Vise
Ring _Rare Steel Ring Steel Rings or Shaped Ring + Mark of the Elder Mark of the Elder
Weapon 1 Rare Siege Axe Siege Axe or Soul Taker Soul Taker
Weapon 2 Rare Siege Axe Siege Axe or Soul Taker Soul Taker



Recommended Helment Enchantment: Cyclone Cyclone deals 40% increased damage is the best choice, although the attack speed version is also a solid option.

Devoto's Devotion Devoto's Devotion is far and away the best choice for Cyclone Cyclone. It has everything we could possibly need: Dexterity in heaps, solid defenses, and most importantly, Movement Speed. If you are on a trade league, Devoto’s is very likely to be much more expensive than usual this league due to the influx of melee builds, many of which feature this item as the best possible Helmet. Try to pick one up with an enchant as early as possible before the price skyrockets. This is one of the most important pieces of the build and should be your first investment after acquire Mapping weapons.

A Rare helmet with an Armour base, such as an Eternal Burgonet Eternal Burgonet, is also a fine choice, particularly if you are still using Sunder Sunder. Prioritize stats as follows:

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. % of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage (Signature Mod – Redblade)
  4. +# to Attributes
  5. % Increased Armour
  6. +# to Armour


Belly of the Beast Belly of the Beast is your go-to Unique chest. The large health increase offers a lot of additional survivability, while still granting us some Resistances and an okay amount of Armour. Belly is also fairly easy to obtain, even on Solo Self-Found, making it one of the most accessible and affordable pieces for its comparatively high impact.

A Rare chest, such as an Astral Plate Astral Plate, is a fine alternative when starting out. You should prioritize stats as follows:

  1. Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. % Increased Maximum Life
  4. % of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage (Elder Prefix)
  5. +# to Strength
  6. % Increased Armour
  7. +# to Armour

If you do not have the Elder Prefix it can be better just to shoot for a chest with a really high Armour roll instead.


Movement Speed is of the highest importance once you begin to use Cyclone Cyclone, so you should definitely prioritize getting a pair with a good roll as early as possible, even if the Maximum Life and/or Resistance rolls are not exquisite. Armour bases are preferable. Prioritize as follows:

  1. % Increased Movement Speed (30%+)
  2. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  3. +# to Maximum Life
  4. % Increased Armour Rating
  5. +# to Armour Rating


A pair of well rolled Spiked Gloves Spiked Gloves is typically the best option in most situations. Getting some Attack Speed on your gloves is a really nice boost but not required out of the gate. Prioritize your mods like so:

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. % Increased Attack Speed
  4. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
  5. % Increased Armour Rating
  6. +# to Armour Rating
  7. +# to Dexterity
  8. % of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life

A pair of 2 socket Tombfist Tombfist can also be quite comparable in the end-game, offering more Life, and slightly better offense, however, you will need high quality Abyss Jewels to make them worth the expensive cost.


Dual-wielding axes is the absolute best option for virtually all situations using this build.

A well rolled Rare Siege Axe Siege Axe is the best option. They are generally not that difficult to craft yourself using Essences, but they can also be purchased. You should look for at least 250-300 Physical DPS on each axe when starting out, but you will want to increase this to 350+ Physical DPS per axe by the time you are hitting Red Maps. You are mainly looking for axes with high % Increased Physical Damage and Adds # to # Physical Damage rolls, as well as Increased Attack Speed (which can be crafted). Since we have no use for Critical Strike, this is all you really need.

Soul Taker Soul Taker is a solid option but not as good as high quality Rares. It is a good choice if you can pick it up around the time you are first entering the upper tiers of Red Maps, where it helps significantly with Mana and deals good damage. Ultimately you will want to replace Soul Taker with a Rare Siege Axe Siege Axe that has 400+ Physical DPS.



Since we have no need of Elemental Damage or Critical Strike, itemizing for Jewelry is very easy and usually quite cheap relative to other builds. Prioritize affixes as follows:

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
  4. % Increased Attack Speed
  5. +# to Intelligence (necessary for Concentrated Effect Support Concentrated Effect Support)
  6. % of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
  7. % of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life


Rare Steel Ring Steel Rings are the best option for the end-game.

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
  4. % Increased Damage (Crafted)
  5. % Increased Attack Speed
  6. % of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
  7. % of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life


A Rare Stygian Vise Stygian Vise is the absolute best option for all situations. Prioritize stats as follows:

  1. [Uncapped] Elemental Resistances
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. +# to Armour
  4. Any of the Flask Mods


Standard Jewels are generally always better than Abyss Jewels, since we prioritize Increased Attack Speed so highly.

  1. % Increased Maximum Life
  2. % Increased Physical Damage with Axes
  3. % Increased Attack Speed with Axes
  4. % Increased Physical Damage while Dual Wielding
  5. % Increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
  6. % Increased Physical Damage
  7. % Increased Melee Damage
  8. % Increased Area Damage
  9. % Increased Attack Speed

Any other mods you can get your hands on that modify Attack Speed, Physical Damage, or Melee Damage are all excellent choices.


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  • Delirium 3.10; Formatting fixes.

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