Settlers of Kalguur League Mechanic Guide Kalguuran Map Device



Kalguuran Map Device

The Kalguuran Map Device is a building you gain access to in Kingsmarch in the endgame. This building allows you to assign NPC Workers to automatically run maps for you.

You simply supply the maps, and show up to collect the loot.

This is a Pre-Launch Guide, as the Settlers of Kalguur Challenge League is not yet live. This guide is based on publicly available information about Settlers of Kalguur through reveals, teasers, Q&A, developer comments, etc, and will continue to be updated up through – and after – league launch. As such, information in this guide may be inaccurate, or simply changed by GGG prior to launch.

Map Queue

Kalguuran Map Device Map Queue

The Mapping Device UI features a queue of maps. Simply deposit maps into the Queue, and your Runners will complete them – from left to right.

This UI also allows you to start mapping, temporarily suspend mapping, or cancel mapping of the currently open map.

It’s unknown if there are any restrictions on what maps can be put in the Kalguuran Map Device – unique maps or blighted maps may not work, for instance.

Simulated Loot Drops

The loot you acquire from auto-run maps is simulated loot that you would actually get from running that map. For instance, if you put a guardian map in the device, you would get a guardian fragment as loot… provided you successfully clear the map.

It’s unclear currently what the limitations of this simulation are. It’s known that you can get delirium splinters from a map with delirium orbs on it, but it’s unknown if you can get loot from randomly-spawning league mechanics, other sources of loot inside maps, or if map drops respect atlas adjacency.

What is known is that the simulated loot drops do NOT respect your atlas or your atlas passives. This most likely also applies to divination cards scried to drop in other maps.

Atlas Runners

Atlas Runner UI

You can assign Workers with the “Atlas Runner” trait to complete your maps. The Workers you assign will determine how successfully and how quickly maps are completed – with higher-tier Workers being far more capable.

Expected Outcomes

Map Expected Outcomes Tooltip

When you hover over a map in the queue, you’ll get a tooltip showing you the expected outcomes for running that map, based on the currently assigned Workers.

Expected Map Completion

Workers can fail to fully clear a map – the equivalent of a player “running out of portals”. Expected Map Completion shows you a range of percentages, of what percentage of the map your Workers are projected to clear.

It’s unclear currently exactly how this works. It’s possible, for instance that you have to 100% clear a map in order to get boss drops. However, it could also just be a percentage of the total possible loot from that map, chosen at random.

How this would apply to things like unique maps and blighted maps is unknown.

Expected Map Completion Time

This shows you how long it will take for your Atlas Runners to successfully complete that map.

It’s currently unknown if this time is exact, or approximate.

Despite comments from GGG devs stating that you’ll be able to queue up “days” of work in Kingsmarch, preview footage of the Atlas Device seems to show map devices with 12 map slots – which is about 1 hour total, with previewed map completion times.

Risk of Death

Workers assigned to the Atlas Device can permanently die. Whenever they fail to fully complete a map, they have a chance of permanent death.

The odds of a Worker permanently dying scales with the difficulty of the map – higher tier maps and more affixes raising the odds.

It’s currently unknown what happens to your remaining maps if an Atlas Runner does die. Does that reduce your odds of successfully completing future maps, leading to even more deaths? Does the queue pause? Check back for more information once the league is live.


Be sure to check out the other pages of this guide, covering even more topics related to Settlers of Kalguur! This guide will continue to be updated in the future – if you have any feedback, or find something cool you want to share, head on over to the PoE Vault Discord, and let me know!

Good luck, and have fun farming Settlers of Kalguur!

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