Velyna's Sunder of Earthbreaking Slayer, Ascendancy, Bandits & Pantheon (PoE Settlers of Kalguur)




Standard Setup

1. Impact

2. Brutal Fervour

3. Endless Hunger

4. Bane of Legends

When you have enough accuracy for Precise Technique without Impact, remove those points and put them in Masterful form.

Forbidden Flesh/Flame

In the endgame, you can use two jewel sockets to gain another ascend. Master of Metal from the Champion because is around a 10% DPS increase plus gives 1000 flat armour.

Another option would be Headsman if you just really want that 20% cull.


Kill them all, we have a lot of things to grab on the tree so extra points are the best choice here.


  • Major: Hard to beat lunaris, since we don’t need brine king for stun protection
  • Minor: Shakari is the easiest way to get some protection from poison, Ryslatha is also a strong choice.

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