Manni's Tornado Shot Deadeye PoB, Passive Skill Tree & Gem Links (PoE Necropolis)



Passive Skill Tree

Thread of Hope

The included Path of Building includes multiple variations of the Passive Tree, including Passive Trees for lower levels.

Our Passive Tree changes significantly when we acquire Thread of Hope Thread of Hope with Large Radius, allowing us to save many skill points that we would have to use on small passive nodes otherwise.

Thread of Hope

The PoB includes variations of the tree with and without the Thread of Hope Jewel.

Cluster Jewels

With Thread of Hope Thread of Hope and enough levels on our character, we can implement a Large Cluster Jewel and potentially up to two Medium Cluster Jewels as well.

Cluster jewels

To fully make use of both Medium Clusters we require a character level of at least 95, ideally higher. If you already managed to acquire the Large Cluster Jewel on a lower level, you can simply skip one of the Medium Cluster Jewels to save 4 Passive Points.

Graceful Assault

Graceful Assault on the passive tree

The Graceful Assault Cluster, which grants a chance to gain Onslaught on Kill, and its Mastery, which grants 5% more Evade Chance against Melee Attacks, offers a very useful option to adapt to missing items.

  • The Chance to gain Onslaught on Kill from Graceful Assault can be used to substitute Boots with that same modifier.
  • The Mastery that grants 5% more Evade Chance against Melee Attacks can act as a temporary replacement for the Watcher's Eye Watcher's Eye that grants additional Chance to Evade Attacks.

While not ideal, we can use this as a temporary replacement until we acquire said items.

Gem Links

Our build ideally uses two 6-Linked items for both Tornado Shot and Tornado Shot Ballistas, but the 6-Link on the Ballista setup has a low priority and can be delayed until more important upgrades have been made.

Awakened gems and gems with alternative quality are not required but offer a small upgrade.

Tornado Shot

This 6-Link has a very high priority.
20 gem quality on Tornado Shot is very important!

  1. Tornado Shot Tornado Shot
  2. Trinity Support Trinity Support
  3. Mirage Archer Support Mirage Archer Support
  4. Inspiration Support Inspiration Support
  5. Elemental Damage with Attacks Support Elemental Damage with Attacks Support or Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support
  6. Increased Critical Damage Support Increased Critical Damage Support

Tornado Shot Ballista

Our secondary 6-Link for additional single-target DPS.

  1. Tornado Shot Tornado Shot
  2. Ballista Totem Support Ballista Totem Support
  3. Focused Ballista Support Focused Ballista Support
  4. Elemental Damage with Attacks Support Elemental Damage with Attacks Support
  5. Increased Critical Damage Support Increased Critical Damage Support
  6. Inspiration Support Inspiration Support


We mustn’t link Generosity Support Generosity Support to anything but Dread Banner Dread Banner !

Dread Banner can be left at a lower level like Level 13 because of its STR requirement. Level it up as far as you can with the STR that you have, but it’s not worth investing into more STR solely for maxing out Dread Banner.

Manaforged Arrows Setup

We use this 4-linked setup to automatically generate Frenzy and Power Charges and to gain Culling Strike to take down bosses faster.

  1. Manaforged Arrows Support Manaforged Arrows Support
  2. Frenzy Frenzy
  3. Power Charge On Critical Support Power Charge On Critical Support
  4. Culling Strike Support Culling Strike Support

Sniper’s Mark Setup & Flame Dash

This 4-linked setup automatically triggers Sniper's Mark Sniper's Mark, using Life instead of Mana to avoid Mana issues. Flame Dash Flame Dash is also linked to Lifetap Support Lifetap Support to guarantee that we can use our Movement Skill even in maps where Regeneration is disabled.

  1. Sniper's Mark Sniper's Mark
  2. Mark On Hit Support Mark On Hit Support
  3. Lifetap Support Lifetap Support
  4. Flame Dash Flame Dash (Level 12)

Flame Dash is left at Gem level 12 to match the INT requirements of our other gems.


  • Updated for PoE Affliction 3.23

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