Velyna's Tornado Inquisitor, Ascendancy, Bandits & Pantheon (PoE Settlers of Kalguur)




Order of aquisition

1. Righteous Providence

2. Sanctuary

3. Pious Path

4. Inevitable Judgement

Righteous Providence

Gives a nice boost to stats and crit chance in preparation for the next lab, and allows scaling crit with our attributes. So all the STR/INT travel nodes on the tree become a little more appealing.


Provides us with consecrated ground while stationary, and increases how much extra damage it makes monsters take. Because it only provides benefit while stationary, this won’t feel great until finishing uber lab.

Pious Path

Makes our consecrated ground regen ES in addition to life, and we now keep the buff while moving for 4 seconds. Immediately makes the build tankier.

Inevitable Judgement

As soon as you get this, the value of crit goes way up because you ignore resistance with crits. Keep in mind this does make penetration and other damage mods focused around lowering enemy resistance much less valuable to us.


Kill all for the extra point, or help Oak for the life boost.


  • Major: Lunaris helps a lot with phys and elemental defenses, plus avoiding projectiles. It also lets us avoid things that chain off our purity sentinels and golem.
  • Minor: Ryslatha is a nice mix of offense and defense, boosting our flask power while cutting enemies regen.

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