PoEVault's Lacerate Gladiator Ascendancy, Bandits, and Pantheon Powers (PoE Settlers of Kalguur)




In the order we take them in

  1. Gratuitous Violence
  2. Jagged Technique
  3. Determined Survivor
  4. More Than Skill


Help Alira for league start. Respec for the skill point later when you have less suffix pressure.


Major Gods

  • * Soul of the Brine King* is great at mitigating freeze and chill and opens up a flask suffix. Honourable mention goes to Arakali for degens, but the primary recommendation is Brine King

Minor Gods

  • Soul of Abberath is a good choice for mitigating burning ground and ignite. Burning Ground just sucks, don’t know what else to say.

Check out the main page of the guide or use the menu on the right side of this page to navigate to the other sections of the guide.


  • Skill tree and gems updated.

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